ring sizing

Ring Size 

We often get a lot of questions about ring size and how to calculate it.

Because many of our clients like to buy their rings online, our customers don’t always get a chance to try a ring on before they buy it.

Cool trick-  Take a piece of thread, ribbon, string, or a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger, close to the knuckle. Make a mark where the two pieces overlap, measure against a millimetre ruler and this should give you the circumference of your finger.

Measuring Tips:

  1.  Make sure you’re at a comfortable, normal temperature – cold weather can cause your fingers to shrink by half a ring size, whereas hot weather, exercise, water retention caused by food, medication or illness can do the opposite.
  2. Measure the exact finger you want the ring for – this may sound obvious, but the fingers on your dominant hand are larger than on your non-dominant hand, so don’t assume the measurements will be the same.
  3. Consider the width of the band – if you’re looking for a ring with a deep band width, it will be tighter than a ring on a finer band and you may have to go for one size larger to accommodate.

Published by Vincent Anthony Inc.

Digital-Market-Venture Diamond and fine jewelry expert

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